Adding a Recording HDD disc

to your Technomate / Technisat ( and most USB equipped ) receivers

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Western Digital

Western Digital USB external drive 1Tb size with case

Technomate TM5402HD are ok with 1Tb

Technisat S2 or ISIO recommend the Western Digital 1Tb discs

Talk to any computer professional and they will recommend WD Western Digital

Western Digital

Western Digital USB external 500Gb

Recommended for French receivers Fransat or TNT

500Gb Western Digital

Western Digital 2.5 inch sata drive for internal mount

Technomate 5501 recommend the Western Digital 500Gb Caviar Blue range of discs

Almost every drive that you buy today will be preformatted with NTFS . For use with satellite receivers, USB drives should be formatted in FAT32, if you have a modern laptop you may not have this option , so download this windows program and use it on the USB drive Guiformat

Note ExFAT format does NOT work , the receiver will not recognise the drive or will give speed too low warnings. forget about trying to do it via the command prompt, that can take 3 to 4 hours and still fail !!!

If Guiformat will not work and you have a modern laptop ( won't be able to format FAT at all ) then download and use the free format tool from the Verbatim website or this website. Download it here


The Technomate TM8000HD is capable of using an internal 2.5 inch HDD ( sata connections ) or an external USB drive. Because of the large file size of HD programmes, I would recommend a 500Gb drive minimum.

Internal ( sata cable ) External (USB cable)

The drive must be first partitioned with a FAT32 file system. An unformatted new drive will NOT work straight out of the box. (The new 7000 models will ). The easiest method is to simply use a PC. ( NOT A LAPTOP) These instructions are for xp OR Win7,8and10 operating systems. IF you have suitable USB/sata converter cables skip to next section below

Copy this file to your C: drive FAT32

Connect the hard disc via sata or USB cable to your PC
Right click My Computer
Go to Manage
Go to Disk Management
Right click USB drive
Click on Delete Partition and follow the instructions
When finished, a new drive will appear. highlight the drive with the largest file size Right click on it. .
Go to Make New Partition (Primary). Assign a drive letter, for example, G:
Select: Do not Format this Partition and follow the instructions
Right click on the USB drive and set the partition as Active
run the fat32format.exe file from your C: Drive,
( Start > Run > enter CMD >Ok Enter: cd c:\
Enter: fat32format G: (Or whatever drive letter you used)

The following message will appear: Warning ALL data on drive 'f' will be lost irretrievably, are you sure (y/n) confirm with 'y'
Wait until it says Done, it is now ready to use. Just to be 100% sure, now format it connected to your receiver, from the USB menu. Check that the full size of the partition is shown in the stats.





Technomate 8000HD software can be found on this site:

IF you have a USB/Sata converter cable, simply connect up to your PC or laptop using the USB socket, and using the Guiformat program ( Guiformat download ) partition it in seconds ! INTERNAL SATA DRIVES

Rear USB socket TM8000 model

TM8000 HD page

Note that when the drive has been partitioned using Guiformat , you then connect to the Humax, which will ask you to disconnect, then re-connect to recognise it. Once reconnected, choose format and confirm. During the very long format process, the screen goes blank, dont turn off! It will complete and then work normally. No harm done if you do, it just repeats the loop when you turn on again, so you have to wait for it to complete yet again. Humax TNT ( France ) receiver


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